Wholsale quantities only!
About Us

A long and proud tradition was started in 1908 when "a canvas structure that was erected at the back of the premises did service as a photographic room." This quote from an issue of The Gympie Times in 1941 described the humble beginnings of Murray Studios by Fred Murray.

In 1929, determined to keep his company and staff together during the hard times of the Great Depression, Fred created a new Department and called it Murray Views. He proposed to supply postcards of local views to neighbouring holiday centres.

Over the next 10 years, Fred expanded the business into North Qld, NSW and as far as Adelaide. Today Murray Views Pty Ltd is still one of the foremost producers of postcards and souvenirs in Australia. With its head office in Gympie, in south-east Queensland, it is ideally located to service Australia's key tourist destinations as well as the growing domestic tourist trade to all points across this great country

Our Owners
Original founder Fred Murray

Original founder Fred Murray

Alan Murray

Alan Murray

Sam Murray

Sam Murray

Graham Murray

Graham Murray

Rod Murray (current owner)

Rod Murray (current owner)